Events & Termine

CU Innovation Day „Service Life of Wind Turbine Blades: Inspection, Repairs & End of Life“

bis 02.04.2025

Fraunhofer IWES
Am Seedeich 45
27572 Bremerhaven, Germany

Join us in Bremerhaven for a CU Innovation Day organized by Composites United and hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES) in Bremerhaven. The task group Wind Energy of Composites United has invited several experts from industry and academia to discuss the service life of wind turbine blades, including presentations about inspection, repair and end of life treatment. The event will include opportunities for networking and a guided tour of the Fraunhofer IWES facilities. Join our 2-days event and enlarge your network with new exciting researchers and innovators! We look forward to welcoming you!

This event will be held in English.

More information about our CU working group „Composites in Wind Energy“. 

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