9T Labs AG, experts in digital, automated and cost-competitive serial production of continuous fiber components is pleased to announce the successful completion of the ESA StarTiger project, a groundbreaking initiative that has brought together leading companies and academic institutions to demonstrate cutting-edge advancements in space technology and manufacturing.

The ESA StarTiger framework is renowned for fostering innovation and collaboration within the space industry. This collaborative effort involved key participants including Airbus Defence & Space, 9T Labs, Ommatidia Lidar, Cranfield University, LIST, and ESA. Each of these entities contributed their unique expertise and resources to the project, resulting in a remarkable demonstration of the project’s goals.

The journey of the ESA StarTiger project began with its kick-off in March 2023 in Toulouse, bringing together a diverse team representing six nationalities. This team was composed of four industrial entities, two academic research laboratories, and the esteemed ESA Agency. The initiative was designed to challenge the conventional boundaries of space technology by showcasing the complete manufacturing & assembly, integration, tests & verification chain of a Space Robotic Factory within an ambitious timeline of just six months.

The multidisciplinary team undertook their mission within the Airbus incubation laboratory, where a fusion of space and non-space technologies were harnessed to achieve the project’s goals. Notable technologies included state-of-the-art additive manufacturing technologies for Metal and CFRP-TP, robotic manipulators, and advanced perception capabilities featuring cutting-edge cameras and 3D LIDAR technology.

„We are immensely proud of the achievements of the ESA StarTiger project and the remarkable collaborative effort demonstrated by all participants,“ said Gianfranco Visentin, Head Automation and Robotics Section at ESA. „This endeavor exemplifies the power of partnership and innovation in driving the boundaries of what is possible in space technology.“

The ESA StarTiger project’s successful conclusion marks a significant chapter in the journey of space exploration and technology advancement. It serves as a testament to the collective capabilities of the participants and their commitment to pushing the envelope of space innovation.


About 9T Labs

9T Labs, headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland, was founded in 2018 by a team of pioneers, passionate about bringing the next generation of high-performance manufacturing. 9T Labs helps mobility OEMs reach climate neutral products by introducing the new design & manufacturing standard for strong parts at lowest weight, lower cost and zero waste.

This standard, named Red Series® Additive Fusion Technology (AFT)™, is an all-in-one solution which is particularly attractive to help customers reduce their carbon footprint with environmentally friendly materials & processes that eliminate waste and minimize use of resources.

9T Labs’ software as a service suite, powered by integrated FEA simulation tools, allows quick turnaround of highly optimized designs. In combination with innovative additive manufacturing equipment and advanced post processing technology, it gives producing companies the needed tools to start their production in small batches and scale it up in no time. With this end-to-end process, industrial users will be able to massively reduce their time-to-market, while limiting the financial risk they take.


9T Labs

Yannick Willemin
+41 78 665 69 70