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WG-Meeting „Lightweight Design for Hydrogen Systems“


Online in der CU-Mixup.World

09:30 – 13:00 Uhr

The CU working group “Lightweight Design for Hydrogen Systems” is one of the most active working groups of the Composites United network. Based on the large interest in the upcoming field of Hydrogen technology, multiple players engage and bring in their ideas and knowhow. Lightweight Design with the use of fiber composites is of paramount importance to enable the Hydrogen technologies as foundation for future energy supply. In the large CU network, multiple activities in different technology areas related to Hydrogen are planned or are already ongoing.

After a successful CU Innovation Day in Munich and Augsburg in 2023, the activities progress with this working group meeting. We want to wrap up the workshop of the Innovation Day and continue with the discussion to promote further collaboration. Also, you can look forward to three interesting presentations.

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