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CU Innovation Day „Sustainable Composites for future Applications“

bis 26.09.2024

Kordsa Advanced Materials GmbH
Freisinger Landstraße 50
85748 Garching bei München

Day 1: 11:00 a.m. – 4:35 p.m. (afterwards Oktoberfest München)
Day 2: 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

This event will be held in English.

This joint event of Ceramic Composites, CU BAU and MAI Carbon of Composites United e. V. and the CU working group „Lightweight Design for Hydrogen Systems“ brings together the expertise of the various material classes – carbon fiber-reinforced plastics, ceramic matrix composites and fiber reinforced constructions. Special Focus will be within:

Resource-saving materials and the circular economy in bulidings
Innovative fiber types such as basalt, glass fibers, carbon fibers and bio-based matrices contribute to the conservation of resources. Recycling processes and the reuse of composite materials are important topics for the circular economy. In the construction sector, corrosion-resistant and weather-resistant composite materials ensure a long service life for buildings and infrastructure.

Lightweight design in hydrogen storage for mobility and energy technology
Hydrogen as a possible drive concept of the future offers huge opportunities. We want to take a closer look at the potential in transportation, defence technology and aviation.

Fiber-reinforced ceramics enable leap innovations in the energy transition
As time goes on, new fiber suppliers are entering the European market. In addition to military applications, there are also a number of civilian applications where Ox/Ox can be used. Particularly in the area of the energy transition, Ox/Ox enable completely new ways of making production more sustainable and bringing sustainable products to the market.


The official registration period has expired. However, if you are still interested in participating, please contact Sven Blanck and we will check whether participation is still possible.


Please note: The day before, September 24, 2024, an international online event of the CU working group „Lightweight Design for Hydrogen Systems will take place from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Register now!


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