

WG-Meeting “Sustainability”

The Working Group “Sustainability” of the Composites United Network is the exchange platform for all relevant sustainability topics in the field of fiber-reinforced composite materials

Kick-Off of the WG “Sustainability”

This event will be held in English. The Working Group “Sustainability” of the Composites United Network is the exchange platform for all relevant sustainability topics

German-Chinese Aviation-Workshop

The German-Chinese Aviation Workshop takes place in close cooperation with the Chinese CU member AVIC as well as the CU working group “German-Chinese Composite Cooperation”.

Innovation Forum Thermoplastic Pultrusion

In the vastly growing area of Pultrusion as composites manufacturing method, the topic of Thermoplastic Pultrusion draws a particular interest of the Composites community. Also

Sitzung des AK “KMU”

This event will be held in German. Im Arbeitskreis KMU möchten wir Mitarbeiter von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen den Raum geben, ihre technologischen und organisatorischen