Working Groups

WG Education, Public Relations and Cooperation with Authorities

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  • WG Education, Public Relations and Cooperation with Authorities – CU Bau
Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Volker Roth
Contact details
Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Volker Roth
Contact details

The working group brings together stakeholders from the entire value chain in order to raise public awareness of the application potential of fiber reinforced matrices, hybrid technologies and multi-material lightweight design in construction. It is particularly important to work together with representatives from politics, science and industry, to set up training programmes and to cooperate with chambers, associations and further education institutions in order to communicate the content developed.

The main topics of the WG include:

  • Developing and offering seminars, training programmes and further education opportunities
  • Identification and support of research projects
  • Compilation of results from research projects, knowledge transfer
  • Presentation of economic efficiency and costs
  • Information material for the involvement of policy-makers, construction companies and building owners
  • Intensification of cooperation with professional associations and chambers of commerce
  • Expansion of information channels such as homepage and social media for advertising
  • Cooperation with building authorities
  • Cooperation with standardisation bodies, e.g. DIN Institute, VDI
  • Standardisation with DIN SPEC
  • Leaflets, data sheets
  • Measuring methods, characteristic values, testing


Our aim is to develop and provide guidelines/knowledge databases etc. for the use of fiber reinforced matrices in the construction industry. This requires close cooperation with other WGs of the CU Bau network. This joint work with other WGs of Composites United e.V. in the fields of automotive, aerospace, ceramics, politics and sustainability generates an added value that is unique worldwide.


WG leader: Volker Roth

Deputy WG leader: Prof. Dr. Sergej Rempel & Kerstin Schön





Book tip: Glossary for construction and mechanical engineering

Springer-Verlag has published the technical book “Fachbegriffe für Kompositebauteile – Technical terms for composite parts” by Prof. Ralf Cuntze. The book is aimed at beginners and dimensioning engineers, focusing on highly stressed components made of fiber composites, i.e. (carbon) fibers with polymer and concrete matrix. The comprehensive glossary in German and English contains terms and their definitions including abbreviations and indexes as well as a classification scheme for component-reinforcing fiber composites.

Cuntze, Ralf: Fachbegriffe für Kompositbauteile – Technical terms for composite parts.
Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2019. XI, 171 pp.
ISBN 978-3-658-25635-7, 42,99 €, (e-book), ISBN 978-3-658- 25634-0, 50,00 € (softcover + e-book).