Working Groups

WG Sustainability, Health and Circular Economy

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  • WG Sustainability, Health and Circular Economy – CU Bau
Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Dr. Gabriele Gärtner

Gabriele Gärtner

Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Dr. Gabriele Gärtner

Gabriele Gärtner

The aspects of sustainability of fiber reinforced matrices, hybrid technologies and multi-material lightweight construction in building applications as well as the impact of manufacturing and production processes on human health or sustainability will have a great influence on the establishment of new products in the building sector. The protection of life and health must be considered in the short, medium and long term, but this does not exclude sustainability and the conservation of resources. Interested parties from the entire value chain, industry, authorities, public institutions, research and development as well as building owners are addressed.

The main topics of the WG include:

  • Recycling
  • WHO fibers/ health
  • Occupational safety
  • Quality
  • Material cycles, Cradle to Cradle


Our aim is to develop and provide guidelines/knowledge databases etc. for the use of fiber reinforced matrices in the construction industry. This requires close cooperation with other WGs of the CU Bau network. This joint work with other WGs of Composites United e. V. in the fields of automotive, aerospace, ceramics, politics and sustainability generates an added value that is unique worldwide.


WG leader: Dr. Gabriele Gärtner

Deputy WG leaders: Dr. Ingelore Gaitzsch & Holger Bär





Book tip: Glossary for construction and mechanical engineering

Springer-Verlag has published the technical book “Fachbegriffe für Kompositebauteile – Technical terms for composite parts” by Prof. Ralf Cuntze. The book is aimed at beginners and dimensioning engineers, focusing on highly stressed components made of fiber composites, i.e. (carbon) fibers with polymer and concrete matrix. The comprehensive glossary in German and English contains terms and their definitions including abbreviations and indexes as well as a classification scheme for component-reinforcing fiber composites.

Cuntze, Ralf: Fachbegriffe für Kompositbauteile – Technical terms for composite parts.
Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2019. XI, 171 pp.
ISBN 978-3-658-25635-7, 42,99 €, (e-book), ISBN 978-3-658- 25634-0, 50,00 € (softcover + e-book).