Working Groups

WG Processes, Methods and Digitization

Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Prof. Dr. Sandra Gelbricht

TU Chemnitz
Department of Lightweight Structures and Polymer Technology
Research Group Lightweight Constructions in Civil Engineering

Contact details
Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Prof. Dr. Sandra Gelbricht

TU Chemnitz
Department of Lightweight Structures and Polymer Technology
Research Group Lightweight Constructions in Civil Engineering

Contact details

The further development of digitization enables the application of new processes in the construction industry, especially for the use of fiber reinforced matrices, hybrid technologies and multi-material lightweight design. The development and implementation of new methods and processes is essential for this. This working group provides a platform for all interested parties to exchange experiences and ideas across sectors.

The main topics of the WG include:

  • Lean Construction
  • Automated manufacturing
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Robotics
  • Digitization
  • Visualisation
  • Simulation
  • Standard manufacturing processes
  • Quality management
  • Cross-sectoral cooperation – mechanical engineering
  • Cross-sectoral cooperation – textile technology
  • Non-metallic reinforcement construction
  • Material-specific process design
  • Prefabrication
  • Transport and assembly
  • Construction site, construction operations
  • Formwork techniques, formwork construction


Our aim is to develop and provide guidelines/knowledge databases etc. for the use of fiber reinforced matrices in the construction industry. This requires close cooperation with other WGs of the CU Bau network. This joint work with other WGs of Composites United e.V. in the fields of automotive, aerospace, ceramics, politics and sustainability generates an added value that is unique worldwide.


WG leader: Prof. Dr. Sandra Gelbrich

Deputy WG leader: Dr. Dirk Büchler





Book tip: Glossary for construction and mechanical engineering

Springer-Verlag has published the technical book “Fachbegriffe für Kompositebauteile – Technical terms for composite parts” by Prof. Ralf Cuntze. The book is aimed at beginners and dimensioning engineers, focusing on highly stressed components made of fiber composites, i.e. (carbon) fibers with polymer and concrete matrix. The comprehensive glossary in German and English contains terms and their definitions including abbreviations and indexes as well as a classification scheme for component-reinforcing fiber composites.

Cuntze, Ralf: Fachbegriffe für Kompositbauteile – Technical terms for composite parts.
Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2019. XI, 171 pp.
ISBN 978-3-658-25635-7, 42,99 €, (e-book), ISBN 978-3-658- 25634-0, 50,00 € (softcover + e-book).