Working Groups

WG Fiber Composites for New Building and Rehabilitation

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  • WG Fiber Composites for New Building and Rehabilitation – CU Bau
Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Dr.-Ing. Ingelore Gaitzsch
Contact details
Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Dr.-Ing. Ingelore Gaitzsch
Contact details

The extensive potential for the use of fiber reinforced matrices, hybrid technologies and multi-material lightweight design in the construction industry is currently still being exploited to a very small extent. There is often a lack of knowledge and experience about the potential applications in fibre reinforced materials resulting from properties, characteristic values and process chains. The working group therefore offers interested builders, architects, engineers, scientists, material and building product manufacturers as well as construction companies a platform for interdisciplinary discussion as well as for the exchange of ideas and experience on all topics relating to the practical building applications of fiber composites. Included are fiber composites with both mineral and polymer matrices.

The main topics of the WG include:

  • Textile materials, materials for matrices, fiber composites – properties
  • Textile materials, materials for matrices, fiber composites – technologies
  • Fiber composites with mineral matrices in new construction – application fields: building construction, civil engineering, engineering and plant construction
  • Fiber composites with polymer matrices in new buildings – applications in building construction, civil engineering, engineering and plant construction
  • Fiber composites with mineral matrices for structural reinforcement, refurbishment and rehabilitation – fields of application: structural engineering, civil engineering, engineering and plant construction
  • Fiber composites with polymer matrices for structural reinforcement, refurbishment and rehabilitation – application fields: building construction, civil engineering, engineering and plant construction
  • Hybrid construction methods, modular construction
  • Smart constructions, functionalisation, multifunctionality
  • Sensor technology, monitoring
  • Fiber composites as auxiliary materials
  • Life cycle
  • Special constructions, special buildings


Our aim is to develop and provide guidelines/knowledge databases etc. for the use of fiber reinforced matrices in the construction industry. This requires close cooperation with other WGs of the CU Bau network. This joint work with other WGs of Composites United e.V. in the fields of automotive, aerospace, ceramics, politics and sustainability generates an added value that is unique worldwide.

WG leader: Dr.-Ing. Ingelore Gaitzsch

Deputy WG leaders: Prof. Dr. Jens Ridzewski & Dr. Silvio Weiland





Book tip: Glossary for construction and mechanical engineering

Springer-Verlag has published the technical book “Fachbegriffe für Kompositebauteile – Technical terms for composite parts” by Prof. Ralf Cuntze. The book is aimed at beginners and dimensioning engineers, focusing on highly stressed components made of fiber composites, i.e. (carbon) fibers with polymer and concrete matrix. The comprehensive glossary in German and English contains terms and their definitions including abbreviations and indexes as well as a classification scheme for component-reinforcing fiber composites.

Cuntze, Ralf: Fachbegriffe für Kompositbauteile – Technical terms for composite parts.
Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2019. XI, 171 pp.
ISBN 978-3-658-25635-7, 42,99 €, (e-book), ISBN 978-3-658- 25634-0, 50,00 € (softcover + e-book).