Events & Dates

CU Innovation Day “Tailored Structures”

Event Location:

online @ IPF – Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e. V.

08:00 – 16:30

Tailored structures are designed to minimize the use of materials and maximize lightweight potential. Different lightweight design principles are consistently combined, with the focus on lightweight design using materials and exploiting the anisotropic mechanical properties. This can be done via topological optimization or fiber flow optimization. Technologies for structure fabrication are additive/generative (e.g. TFP, AFP, 3D printing with continuous filament).

The regional cluster CU Ost is organizing this CU Innovation Day together with the working groups “Multi-Material Design”, “Tool and Mold Making”, “Additive Manufacturing” and “Smart Structures”. Virtual host is the IPF – Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e. V.

The event language is English.

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