Due to the situation surrounding the coronavirus, the general meeting of Composites United Switzerland has been postponed to May 26, 2020. The meeting took place online. After a short review of the varied past year, managing director Stève Mérillat informed about the application submitted to Innosuisse. In the new period, Innosuisse intends to focus more strongly on the promotion of projects under the title «NTN-Innovation Booster», thus promoting the networking of teams from universities, business and society around a specific innovation topic. The final decision on whether CU Switzerland will be awarded the contract will be made at the beginning of August. If the result is positive, the first workshop within the framework of the «NTN – Innovation Booster» is to take place as early as the beginning of 2021.

The second important topic at the general meeting was the change of name to Composites United Switzerland. Already in March, the board of directors had spoken out in favour of the name change, but before the name could be used officially, the members had to agree to the change. The change of name also entailed changes in the statutes. Both changes were accepted unanimously by the members.
There was also a change in the board of directors. Tobias Gerngross of RUAG Space is taking over the seat of Jürg Wildi, who had served on the Board for seven years.

The meeting ended with an outlook on the remaining annual programme. It is still unclear which events can be held until the end of the year and in what context. The office assumes that the “Composites in Medtech” forum on September 2, 2020 in Winterthur can be held according to plan. Stève Mérillat and Theo Sandu also expect that this year’s “Trade Mission” will not have to be cancelled completely, but that it will still be possible to travel to northern Germany in the autumn.