CU members gained exclusive insights into 20 research and educational projects

BERLIN/AUGSBURG | 22.01.2024 Once a year, Composites United e.V. gives its members exclusive insights into its research projects and provides information on progress and developments. The 20 projects presented are funded by various federal and state ministries. The CU Project Forum was hosted by the Leading-Edge Cluster MAI Carbon, which launched the format in 2014 as part of the Leading-Edge Cluster funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
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In conclusion, Dr. Thomas Heber, Managing Director of Composites United Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH, encouraged the participants of the event to find out about all other CU projects and to help shape them: „You, our members – especially the SMEs – are the shapers of the future. Find out about the current projects and actively contribute your ideas and requirements.”
With Composites United Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH, Composites United supports research projects in the field of fiber composites and lightweight construction as part of the BMWK’s Industrial Collective Research (IGF) program – one of many opportunities in the CU network.
The next CU Project Forum will take place on 23.01.2025. ► All CU Projects