At LightCon, everything revolves around the topic of lightweight construction technology on 13 June at the Exhibition Grounds in Hannover. Visitors can expect an exciting one-day programme under the motto “Lightweight Design. The answer in times of energy and material scarcity”. The top-class expert talks will focus in special on the topics of “Sustainable Materials”, “Circular Economy”, “Efficient Production” and “New Energy Solutions”. The conference language is English.
Under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, the conference will be opened by the Parliamentary State Secretary Michael Kellner and Olaf Lies, Minister of Economics of the State of Lower Saxony. This year’s partner country Poland will be represented by Grzegorz Piechowiak, Poland’s Deputy Minister for Development and Technology.
The keynotes at industry level will be held by experts from the aviation and shipping sectors, among others. Markus Feiler, Head of Aerostructure R&T at Airbus Aerostructures, will speak on “Lightweight aerostructures for sustainable aviation” and Jan Henkel, Vice President at Fassmer Maritime, will give a lecture entitled “Shipbuilding and Composites – an undiscovered love story”. The latest findings from the fields of research and science will be presented in the keynotes “Lightweight design for sustainability and climate protection” by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Wörner, President of acatech – German Academy of Science and Engineering, and Prof. Anna Boczkowska, Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology.
In addition to the conference, there will be exhibitors from industry, research and development. The evening will provide an opportunity for a relaxed get-together among the visitors. These will include design engineers and developers from the user sectors of automotive and vehicle construction, mechanical and plant engineering, aerospace, medical technology and the construction industry.
Further information and tickets are available at: