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  • Review Online Forum «Composites in MedTech»

From 24 to 26 November, CU Switzerland invited to the online forum «Composites in MedTech», a combination of specialist lectures, keynotes and the opportunity for online B2B matchmaking meetings that is unique at CU. Participants from seven countries took advantage of the opportunity to update themselves on the latest research and development in the medtech and composites sector. The online forum also focused on current practical projects and corresponding material requirements.


Solution-oriented approach of the contributions

At the forum, experts from the composites industry and medical technology presented challenges in practice and research and at the same time brought examples of solutions into the discussion. Composites offer enormous potential to replace conventional applications in the medtech sector with advanced aids whose properties enhance work and safety. In neurosurgery, for example, additive manufacturing technologies support surgical planning and simulation. Modular components adapted to the patient facilitate the configuration and adaptation of an orthosis. This means not only increased wearing comfort, but also a more efficient use of material and time. Carbon fibre reinforced materials also enable implants to combine properties such as biocompatibility, radiolucency, low density and excellent structural-mechanical properties.


Online execution as a pilot for further events

Physical events are currently hardly feasible due to the spread of the coronavirus. However, this was not the only reason why CU Switzerland organised a forum of this kind completely online for the first time. Professionals from all over the world should be able to participate live in the event without having to get up in the middle of the night or spend a whole day at the screen. The time concept developed not only allowed for an almost loss-free integration into the daily work routine, it also took into account the time zones of relevant countries. The concept of this MedTech forum then proved itself. Around 70 experts from seven countries, including the USA, Italy and Sweden, registered for the forum.

CU Switzerland is satisfied with the course and concept of this pilot event, at which further offerings can be expanded.



«A well-organised online event that provided very good insights into the medical technology applications of fibre-plastic composites».

Dr.-Ing. Yves Becker, Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH, Kaiserslautern