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  • Review of CU Innovation Day “Machine Learning & Smart Factory”

On 24 and 25 January 2024, the CU Innovation Day “Machine Learning & Smart Factory – How can Composites production be ramped up with AI solutions?” took place in Stade, organized by our Cluster CU Nord. Despite the Deutsche Bahn strike and a storm in northern Germany, the event was very well attended with around 40 participants. International audience with participants from Spain, the Netherlands and Austria provided a wide range of perspectives.

Sophia Keller, Coordinator CU Austria and Research Associate at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria gives her presentation "Jarvis4Pre: Automation of composite preforming using AI – challenges and approaches"

Day One featured a keynote speech and nine presentations highlighting the benefits of AI for the composites industry – mainly targeting 3 focus areas: AI for improved composites design, AI for more efficient composites production & AI for enhanced composites sustainability.

At the end of the day, the Marketplace offered insights into ongoing AI projects at the CFK Nord Research Center and the CTC.

The day was rounded off with a networking event at “Die Insel” in Stade, which offered delicious food and plenty of time for networking.

Day Two continued the success story with further presentations and shone with an exclusive Airbus Stade tour, organized by the host CTC, including a visit to the production environment of the A350 upper wing cover production.

The participants of the event at the Airbus Stade Tour.