China is nowadays important not just as the market for composite technology but as the most dynamic region and motor for composite innovation: either application or basic research. Let us working together, moving forward with CU China.
China is nowadays important not just as the market for composite technology but as the most dynamic region and motor for composite innovation: either application or basic research. Let us working together, moving forward with CU China.
Feel free to contact us, we will help you.
CU is also involved in international projects. Below you will find more detailed information on the technical InterSpin projects (InterSpin = “Internationalization of Leading-Edge Clusters, Future Projects and Comparable Networks”) funded by the BMBF, which were compiled within the framework of the internationalization project and are now being carried outd by German and Japanese partners.
Design and engineering
Efficiency and sustainability
Network and knowledge
Production systems
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Composites United e.V. is open to all companies and research institutes that are active in the field of high-performance fibre composites.
How can you apply for a membership?
Depending on the type and size of your organization, please fill out the adjacent application for membership in Composites United e.V. Please send the completed and signed application for membership by e-mail to Hiroji Nishikawa.
How does the procedure proceed?
When your application for membership has been received by Composites United e.V., the managing director will recommend – after examination – the acceptance of the application to the executive committee and inform you about it. If there is no objection within ten days, the recommendation is accepted. You will then be informed about the admission.
We are looking forward to welcoming you soon!
Lassen Sie sich von unseren zahlreichen Projekten überzeugen.
Auf den Gemeinschaftsständen des CCeV trifft sich die Fachwelt. Und auf den Veranstaltungen innerhalb des Netzwerks können sich Interessierte aktuell informieren.
Since 2012 there have been close contacts to Japan, which have been continuously expanded in delegation trips to Japan in 2012, 2014 and 2015. Through the InterSpin+ funding project of the former CFK Valley e. V., activities have been significantly intensified since the end of 2017 and a total of 5 trips to Japan have taken place in the period from December 2017 to December 2019. An overview of these trips can be found on this page.
27.11. – 02.12.2017
Japan delegation trip to prepare the internationalization project with Japan (InterSpin+)
20.05. – 26.05.2018
Japan trip of Dr. Bastian Brenken and Dr. Gunnar Merz to find partners and present the project Interspin+ (Nagoya, Fukui, Kanazawa)
05.12. – 12.12.2018
Japan Journey of Dr. Joachim Henning and Dr. Bastian Brenken to Kanazawa and surroundings to discuss project ideas with potential Japanese partners and the ICC and to sign Letters of Intent (LoI) for project implementation.
25.05. – 02.06.2019
Delegation trip with German partners to Japan by Johanna Klee and Dr. Bastian Brenken to support the project initiation and visit Japanese project partners, reception by Ishikawa Prefecture
26.11. – 02.12.2019
Japan Trip by Johanna Klee and Dr. Bastian Brenken with partners of the JEC Group to plan the JEC Forum Japan
The ICC Research and Development Center strives for cross-sector, interdisciplinary technology integration through joint research with many research partners and companies. Through the joint use of knowledge and technologies for the production and use of composite materials, an innovative, application-oriented product development according to the Open Innovation concept takes place. Besides technology development, the aim of the activities is the best possible networking with Japanese and international partners in order to achieve joint value creation.
The Composite Highway Consortium with three composites centers (ICC, NCC, GCC) as the main actor regularly organizes the Composite Highway Convention. The consortium consists of eight public research institutions and private companies, whose core members are NCC of Nagoya University, ICC of the Kanazawa Institute of Technology and GCC of Gifu University. Its primary goal is to form the world’s largest hub for carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP), encompassing research and development, production, processing and assembly of CFRP’s. The Composite Highway Convention brings together all member organizations to share current activities and publish the latest product development results.
The National Composites Center (NCC) of Nagoya University was founded on the initiative of industry, academia and the Japanese government, to investigate and develop molding techniques for carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP). The introduction of a large composite molding system including semi-finished product manufacturing and a large press enables the NCC to test and evaluate CFRP molding techniques with short cycle times on full-size components. The production technology established by the NCC is focused on the automotive sector and can be fed directly into the production lines. Based on these technologies, the National Composites Center (NCC) of Nagoya University successfully developed the world’s first lightweight thermoplastic CFRP chassis for passenger cars.
The Fukui Industrial Technology Center functions as a comprehensive research and testing institute open to local industry, providing three main services: research and development, technical assistance and technology transfer. The field of research includes nanotechnology and materials.
The Japanese foreign trade promotion organization JETRO supports companies for mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world. The CU has also worked closely with the organization to promote its activities, especially in Kanazawa. Delegation trips to Japan by German CU members were partly financially supported by JETRO, which greatly enhanced the exchange.
CU Switzerland
MAI Carbon
CU Innovation Day “Composites/Materials in the Sports Industries”
Further education
Webseminar Wednesday: PFAS 2025 - Understand how to advocate for continuous availability of high end fluoropolymer release film in the composites industry
Workshop - Requirements for a Digital Materials and Product Passport (DMPP) for Composites
Further education
Webseminar Wednesday: On the Road to Boosting Throughput, Quality, and Efficiency in Composites Manufacturing
Ceramic Composites
CU Austria
CU Bau
CU Nord
CU Ost
CU Switzerland
CU West
MAI Carbon
JEC World 2025
CU Bau
"Lightweight design with innovative high-performance materials" - CU Bau podium at the 69th BetonTage in Ulm
CU Ost
14th CU Ost General Meeting
CU Ost
CU Innovation Day "Tailored Structures"
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