My contact request to
Composites United

You became aware of Composites United at the KOMPOZYT EXPO in Krakow and would now like to receive further information? Then fill out the form below and the appropriate contact person will get in touch with you.

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My contact request to Composites United

My contact request to Composites United

Your data will only be used by us after processing to process your request. Your data will not be used for other purposes. Please read our notes on data protection carefully.

Your data will be transferred encrypted instead. However, for technical reasons, there can be no guarantee that your data will be secure across the entire transmission path. If you want to rule out such a residual risk, cancel the process and let us know about your concern on another channel.

CU Info Newsletter

CU Info Newsletter

Are you interested in the activities of Composites United and its members? Then sign up for our info newsletter and receive a compact update from our network once a month.