Composites United e.V. (CU) will launch its two-semester trainee program for the 15th time in the winter semester of 2022/23. Companies from the fiber-reinforced composites industry are called upon to support this program for the promotion of young talent during their studies.

Since its launch in 2008, the CU Trainee Program has become a fixture in the fiber composite industry, and every year there are more applications than places in the coveted qualification program. During the first semester, the CU trainees attend lectures at various research institutes and universities, such as the University of Stuttgart, the PFH Stade, the TU Dresden or the FH Nordwestschweiz. The aim is to teach the theoretical principles of fiber composites, which are then applied in the second semester as part of a final thesis in cooperation with an industrial partner of the CU. In addition to structural mechanics and fiber technology, thermosets, thermoplastics and testing technology as well as the global market development and perspectives of hybrid composites are thematic focal points.

In addition, workshops, tours as well as networking events with CU partners from research and industry are planned. This will allow students to meet industry professionals and gain an overview of current developments in fiber composites before they graduate.

Looking for sponsors

Every year, renowned research institutes and companies from all areas of modern lightweight construction participate in the trainee program. As sponsors of the program, they introduce themselves, their products and services to the trainees or invite them to visit them. In this way, they can come into contact with committed young talent at an early stage and recruit competent specialists for the future. In addition, sponsors benefit from the communication and marketing activities that accompany the trainee program.

If you would like to support the Trainee Program 2022/23 and are interested in sponsoring, you can find all the information at a glance here.