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  • Invitation to participate in the GreenOffshoreTech Brokerage Event


One of the challenges of the EU is to support the development of emerging industries, which will provide the growth and employment of the future. Emerging industries can be understood as “the establishment of an entirely new industrial value chain, or the radical reconfiguration of an existing one, driven by a disruptive idea, leading to turning these ideas into new products/services with higher added value”. The EC has identified the Blue Economy as one of the key emerging industries and a driver for Europe’s welfare and economic growth and highlighted the need to connect the fragmented blue growth communities across Europe to secure greater added value.

This online brokerage event on November 16-17, 2022 complements GreenOffshoreTech ongoing efforts to help winner SMEs from the first project Open Call to advance their projects and product development, and launch their innovative solutions into the market, while help end-users, customers, and other stakeholders get access to relevant partners to address their needs and to solve their industry challenges.

The GreenOffshoreTech project, funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, aims at leveraging innovation in SMEs and fostering the development of the emerging Blue Economy industries, leasing to new cross-sectorial and cross-border value chains based on common challenges and the deployment of key enabling technologies (KET). GreenOffshoreTech will facilitate the creation of new products, processes or services with the ambition to turn good ideas into business, making offshore production and transport green, clean and sustainable.

Register now: GreenOffshoreTech Brokerage Event

Booking of bilateral meetings will open 2 weeks before the event after all participants have registered.


Topics addressed:

  • Marine renewable energies
  • Offshore aquaculture
  • Offshore oil and gas
  • Waterborne transport
  • Advanced Materials
  • Advanced Manufacturing & Digitalisation (IoT, AI, Big Data)
  • Environmental Technologies (Circular economy; Waste Prevention)
  • New energy carriers (Hydrogen, Methanol, Ammonia, Lithium-ion Cell)


For further information please contact Dr. Bastian Brenken.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101005541