Reception at the Munich Residence marks a new milestone in the networking of business and research

A new chapter of innovation and sustainability

With the start of the 5th funding period in 2024, the Bavarian Cluster Initiative is placing a stronger focus on the transformation of the economy through digitalization and sustainability. These priorities reflect the endeavour to combine progress and change in the interests of sustainable development. The reception by Hubert Aiwanger himself recognizes the importance of the initiative and its players.

For MAI Carbon, the renewed funding decision is a special honour and confirmation of its achievements to date. Supported for the fourth funding period, MAI Carbon is now in a position to significantly expand its service portfolio and thus make an even greater contribution to strengthening Bavaria as a business location thanks to the funding of over 1 million euros.

Hubert Aiwanger welcomes the guests to the cluster reception and expresses his thanks to the clusters; Image: StMWi/S.Obermeier
Around 700 guests were hosted at the magnificent Residenz in Munich; Image: StMWi/S.Obermeier

Thanks and outlook

"The success of MAI Carbon would be unthinkable without the commitment and dedication of everyone involved. Special thanks therefore go to the MAI Carbon members, the MAI Carbon Board and all those who have been with us since the organization was founded. The cluster work enables a unique exchange and the opportunity for cooperation, which is a key factor in increasing Bavaria's innova-tive strength and competitiveness."

Networking as the key to success

The importance of networking for increasing innovative strength and competitiveness cannot be overestimated. Close co-operation between companies and research institutions creates synergies that accelerate technology transfer and produce innovative solutions. This strengthens Bavaria’s position as a leading centre of business and science and underpins the goal of positioning the state at the forefront of technological progress.

MAI Carbon and its stakeholders are thus exemplary of the success that can be achieved through joint commitment, exchange and cooperation. The Bavarian Cluster Initiative sends a strong signal for the future, in which digitalization and sustainability form the central pillars of a prosperous society.

Photo media library of the StMWi /Video review of the StMWi

MAI Carbon is honoured by Hubert Aiwanger and receives a symbolic funding decision worth millions (from left to right: Prof. Klaus Drechsler, Sven Blanck, Hubert Aiwanger, Carolin Cichosz, Dr. Tjark von Reden); Image: StMWi/S.Obermeier
Cluster Managing Director Sven Blanck and MAI Carbon Cluster Spokesperson Carolin Cichosz in conversation with Hubert Aiwanger; Image: StMWi/S.Obermeier