Working Groups

WG Effort estimation

Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Thomas Radmann
Contact details

Tel: +49 (0)152 347 870 58

Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Thomas Radmann
Contact details

Tel: +49 (0)152 347 870 58


Improvement of the assessment basis for the cost evaluation of planning and manufacturing activities in the field of fiber composites – in this case CFRP.


The calculation basis, the procedure and the tools must be up-to-date, practicable and sufficiently accurate in order to be able to carry out the engineering and technology assessment for products. In a first step, individual parts can be assessed in the area of design and manufacturing. Later, an attempt can be made to transfer the findings to assemblies or complex products as well as to the entire life cycle.

  • Transparency of cost structures and cost drivers should be created. Several goals can be pursued
  • To determine costs for a given component
  • To compare and select manufacturing processes according to cost aspects for a given component
  • To design a construction for lowest cost (design to cost)
  • To compare and select a design environment for FVW according to cost aspects.

At the WG, existing options are gathered, missing parts are identified, and elaboration can be agreed upon.