Working Groups

WG Digitization

Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Dr. Joachim Starke

inno-focus digital gmbh

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Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Dr. Joachim Starke

inno-focus digital gmbh

Contact details

The buzzword Industry 4.0 is on everyone’s lips. Many companies are now considering which steps they should take in the direction of digitization. There are promising prospects: detailed planning, lower costs, more effective employees. Early adopters of all sizes, from small SMEs to corporations, are already showing what digitization can do.The general consideration is joined by new technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. How can we best use them for ourselves? What resources and investments do we need? Is it possible to estimate the ROI? These questions are on the minds of decision-makers. CU companies in particular benefit from the Industry 4.0 approach. Carbon fiber as a material requires a high level of integration of all production steps from development to production and application. In theory, this sounds easy. But introducing new software is not enough. In most cases, the digital strategy leads to a transformation of the entire company – across all departments. This requires careful planning and detailed information bases in order to make realistic predictions.In the working group, we exchange information about the latest technologies, use cases and examples. The meetings are intended to provide a working basis and guidance on which members can make informed decisions.

Don’t want to miss the exchange on this innovative topic? Contact us through the platform and find out more about the opportunities.