Working Groups

WG Automation

Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Prof. Steffen Ihlenfeldt

Fraunhofer IWU

Contact details
Head of working groupAnsprechpartner
Prof. Steffen Ihlenfeldt

Fraunhofer IWU

Contact details

For a long time, fiber composite applications were characterized almost exclusively by small quantities, low volumes and preferably artisanal processes. The following stood in the way of widespread application

  • the high price of starting materials and semi-finished products, and
  • the large proportion of manual, specialized work.


Only in recent years has the increasing focus on lightweight construction and resource efficiency opened the way to extensive industrial applications. The interest of the automotive industry in particular is a major contributor to this.

The Automation WG deals with technical-scientific and economic topics relating to automation in the handling of fiber composites. Examples of advanced processes refer to all areas in the chain from the fiber to the manufacturing and testing processes to recycling. Thus, in particular, handling and process technology as well as regulation and control technology with their rapidly growing progress come into the focus of fiber composite production.

In addition to contributions aimed purely at high-performance fiber composites, examples and approaches for mechanization or automation in classic mechanical engineering applications will also be shown – thus stimulating possible implementation.