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  • GreenOffshoreTech project: Investor Round and Innovation Award Competition

The GreenOffshoreTech (GOT) project, an initiative funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 program, hosted the two-day “GreenOffshoreTech Final Event” in Hamburg in June.

On the first day, the investor round took place, which gave all winners of phase 2 of the GOT project the opportunity to present their product, service or idea to potential investors and a broad audience. This round also provided a good opportunity to network with other relevant players.

The second day was dedicated to the Innovation Award Competition, a competition for the best product pitch. This is awarded a total of €40,000 and will support the winning SMEs in bringing their prototypes to market maturity.

More than 60 people attended the event at the Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg and had the privilege of listening to the brilliant pitches of 29 SMEs. In the end, the jury decided to award five SMEs for their highly innovative business ideas to promote the blue economy:

The consortium of the GOT project in Hamburg in June 2024.

1st place: Lemvos, based in southern Germany, is a leading marine robotics company that specializes in the development of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) and offers a range of innovative products for the shipping industry.

2nd place: subsea bellows as, a Norwegian company specializing in the development and construction of large, pressurized underwater buoys (patent pending).

3rd place: FIBERCHECK GMBH, a company based in Germany, has set itself the goal of developing a sensor system for the continuous detection and monitoring of damage in fiber-reinforced plastics.

4th place: Tidetec improves tidal turbine technology by integrating the turbine into a rotating turret, enabling optimum efficiency in both directions.

5th place: Hefring Marine, an Icelandic deep tech startup specializing in smart maritime solutions for AI-driven ship operations.

About GreenOffshoreTech
GreenOffshoreTech is a cluster-supported project with the aim of supporting innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and promoting the development of the emerging sectors of the blue economy by enabling new cross-industry and cross-border value chains based on common challenges and the use of key technologies.

GreenOffshoreTech will foster the development of new products, processes or services aimed at making offshore production and transport green, clean and sustainable to achieve a resource-efficient economy and the EU GreenDeal while driving reindustrialization.

Together with 8 leading European clusters from 16 regions and 7 countries (Norway, Portugal, Latvia, Poland, Iceland, Scotland and Germany), the CU is working in the GOT initiative. In addition, cross-cluster experts support the implementation of the project.

More information: https://greenoffshoretech.com/about/