Events & Dates

Symposium – Flame Retardancy For Composite Applications

bis 21.11.2024
Event Location:

Hotel abba
Lietzenburger Straße 89

The 2nd symposium on flame retardancy of composites will take place in Berlin from 20-21.11.2024. The thematic focus of the event was expanded. In addition to the transportation sector, requirements in the construction/infrastructure sector are also considered.

The event is once again being organized by the AVK in cooperation with the FGK (Forschungsgesellschaft Kunststoffe). The CU supports this event with its “Fire Protection” working group.

CU members can participate at a reduced price (excluding VAT): EUR 995,- / non-members: EUR 1195,-

Special prices for more than 1 company participant: 50% discount for additional (2nd, 3rd, …) participants. To register more than one participant, please send us an email to:info@avk-tv.deSonderpreis for students: Students (with proof – student ID) receive a 50% discount, please email us to register:

The participation fee includes conference documents, lunch, drinks during breaks and dinner.

Accommodation: The overnight stay in the hotel is not included. Please book your hotel room as soon as possible (rooms are available until October 08, 2024). Rooms can be booked directly at Hotel abba Berlin by e-mail or telephone: or +49 30 887 186 104. Keyword: AVK The prices for the rooms are (without breakfast + EUR 22,-): Single room: EUR 115,- (incl. VAT)

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