Events & Dates

Ideation Workshop Call 3 Innovation Booster “Plastics for Zero Emission”

bis 16.05.2023
Event Location:

FHNW Brugg-Windisch, Building 6, Room 6.-1D13 (Foyerraum B), Bahnhofstrasse 6, 5210 Windisch; Google Maps


9 – 17h

Get together with other participants from university and research institutes, suppliers and service companies and start-ups, choose a challenge submitted by our implementation partners and develop initial ideas for solving the problem. Form final teams to continue working on the solution together. The whole process is supported by Bambooster through their Bamboostar online coaching academy, personal coaching and facilitation of the ideation workshop.


The challenges are submitted by

  • Beyond Gravity: Composites Layup Optimisation for Ressource Efficiency in Space Industry
  • Sika: Title will follow soon
  • Svismold: Recycling of UD-Carbon Reinforced Thermoplastic Parts”
  • V-Carbon: Second Life Carbon Fibers for Sports Equipment


We are looking for radical ideas whose feasibility must first be tested to solve the challenge.
We support the teams with the most promising solution ideas with CHF 25’000.-


The participation is free of charge.

The number of participants is limited.


More information about our Innovation Booster Plastics for Zero Emission

Leading House: Composites United Switzerland
Partners: Swiss Plastics Cluster &
Supported by Innosuisse