Join us in Stade in May when Composites United and Composites NL meet for the second time! At the two-day event, we will focus on advanced thermoplastic composite solutions for applications in aerospace – a particular strength of the Composites NL network and the lightweight design ecosystem in Stade. You can look forward to exciting and innovative presentations as well as facility tours of the players in the Composites Ecosystem (CTC, DLR, Fraunhofer IFAM) in Stade.
A highlight will be tour of the Airbus plant Stade on the second day, where the largest flying CFRP part, the upper wing cover of the A350, is manufactured. The event will be rounded up by a nice evening event in Stade with lots of room for networking and exchange between Dutch and German Composite players!
We look forward to welcoming you in Stade in May!