Webseminar Wednesday

Webseminar Wednesday

The CU online webseminar series:

“CU prepared for future” & “CU member innovations” – always on Webseminar Wednesday!

Every Wednesday there is an exciting live webseminar. The webseminars will be divided into 2 series, which will then alternate weekly.

With our further training series “CU online – CU prepared for future”, we offer you and your colleagues the opportunity to obtain professional information and further education on specific topics in live webseminars.

Within the series “CU online – CU member innovations”, you as a member will have the opportunity to present yourself or your innovations and share them with the CU network.

A detailed list of speakers, presentation titles and dates/times as well as ZOOM dial-in links will be announced in time via mailings and the CU website. In order to make the webseminars accessible to all our members, English language for presentation is preferred.

And the best part? Both participation and your own presentation are free of charge for CU members!

  • Approx. 30-40 minutes presentation + moderated closing discussion (Q&A session with the speaker)
  • Participation free of charge for all CU members
  • Every Wednesday
  • Necessary technology: stable internet connection, current browser, webcam and microphone


If you are interested in presentating or have ideas and wishes for an interesting webseminar, please feel free to contact us. For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Katharina Lechler (katharina.lechler@composites-united.com) or Rolf Heusing (rolf.heusing@composites-united.com).

Get an idea and participate – CU online!

For speakers:
Download Factsheet Webseminar Wednesday


All past lectures can be found on our Youtube channel. Check it out right now!



Your contact

Katharina Lechler

Head of Education & Professional Training

Composites United e.V.

Contact information