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  • Composites-Recycling-Study now also available in English

At the beginning of last year, the AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e. V. published a comprehensive study on composites recycling together with the IKK, Institute for Plastics and Circular Economy at Leibniz University Hanover.

The topics of sustainability and recycling have become increasingly important in industry and also in the plastics industry in recent years. Composites have enormous advantages, particularly in the field of lightweight design. However, the materials can also deliver high added value in terms of sustainability. Why composites are advantageous has so far been the subject of little systematic or rather selective research. The Composites Recycling Study, which was successfully published at the beginning of 2023, compiled by IKK Institute Director Professor Hans-Josef Endres and Dr. Madina Shamsuyeva with the support of industry representatives from the AVK expert working group, is the first ma-jor study on the recycling of composites.

For the first time, the study provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the quantities of waste produced and the solutions for high-quality recycling that are currently available and can be implemented in the future. The advantages and disad-vantages of the various processes are also evaluated and relevant legal requirements and standards are considered.

Thanks to the English translation, non-German-speaking interested parties can now also get an idea of the general, current situation regarding the recycling of composites.

The table of contents of the study can be viewed here.

The study is now available from AVK in PDF format for 799 euros (plus VAT) – for AVK und Composites United members at a reduced price of 399 euros plus VAT.

Please send us an e-mail with your name, company address, invoice address and Sales tax ID number to: volker.mathes@avk-tv.de – password: Recycling Study 2024.


Katharina Wagner
Telefon: +49 69 271 077 0
E-Mail: katharina.wagner@avk-tv.de