CU Leichtbau-Forschung
Dr. Thomas Heber

Managing Director

Composites United Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH

Contact details

Composites United Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH (CU-LF) supports projects that deal with issues relating to fiber composite technologies and hybrid lightweight construction with fiber composites. In addition to fiber-reinforced plastics, these include fiber ceramics and fiber concretes. Please note that funding for projects is limited to Germany.

The CU-LF was founded in 2016 by Carbon Composites e. V. (now Composites United e. V., or CU for short) and joined the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) in 2017. The CU-LF is, among other things, a research association and is eligible to apply for funding under the BMWK’s Industrial Collective Research Program (IGF).

Our partners benefit from the CU’s entire network. They have direct access to its experts and receive valuable support in outlining project proposals, formulating them and finally applying for funding.

Together with research institutions, the CU-LF assumes the following tasks for its industrial partners

  • coordination,
  • administration and all
  • obligations that arise for grant recipients from a publicly funded project (e.g. documentation, compliance with funding legislation, creating audit requirements).


For SMEs, this means that they

  • save on the cost of these services, can outsource their
  • outsource their R&D activities and
  • receive valuable research services at a reasonable cost.


The project partners gain

  • Access to the CU network, its subject-specific working groups and media (CU reports, newsletters, and much more etc.),
  • Contact with young professionals from the field of scientific institutions,
  • Access to the project forum, which provides them with an overview of the state of research and enables new collaborations.
  • Access to the collaboration platform “Carbon Connected”, which can be used as a shared working environment.


In principle, the CU-LF does not pursue any self-serving goals, but without solid funding, the society – like any other non-profit research association – is unable to implement its tasks in a sustainable manner. The CU-LF has to fulfill the status of a non-profit organization and is solely supported by donations. Before submitting an application for a research project via the CU-LF, we therefore ask you to check whether project implementation is currently possible in monetary terms.

CU Leichtbau-Forschung

Am Technologiezentrum 5
86159 Augsburg

Contact person

Feel free to contact us, we will help you.

Martin Kretschmann

Project Manager

Composites United
Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH

Contact details
Denny Schüppel

Administration / Revision

Composites United
Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH

Contact details


  • All

  • Design and engineering

  • Efficiency and sustainability

  • Internationalization

  • Network and knowledge

  • Production systems

Executive Committee

A high-ranking advisory board was set up to safeguard the strategic objectives of CU Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH. This board decides on questions regarding the orientation of the CUL, analyzes project ideas from a strategic point of view and supports the consortia through the industry proximity of its members.

Dr. Robert Eder


Andrea Glawe

Regional Sales Director

Philipp Goetz

CVT GmbH & Co. KG

Dr. Olaf Günnewig

diondo GmbH
Head of Business Development


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No entries found for ALL


Members of CU Leichtbau-Forschung are also members of Composites United e.V.


Become a Member

Lydia Raab

Management Assistance,
Member & Project Management

Composites United e.V.

Contact details

Composites United e.V. is open to all companies and research institutes that are active in the field of high-performance fibre composites.

How can you apply for a membership?

Depending on the type and size of your organization, please fill out the adjacent application for membership in Composites United e.V. Please send the completed and signed application for membership by e-mail to Lydia Raab.

How does the procedure proceed?

When your application for membership has been received by Composites United e.V., the managing director will recommend – after examination – the acceptance of the application to the executive committee and inform you about it. If there is no objection within ten days, the recommendation is accepted. You will then be informed about the admission.

We are looking forward to welcoming you soon!

Added value of your membership in Composites United e. V.

Advantages of a Membership

Support in the implementation of innovations
Participation in research and development projects
Research promotion via Carbon Composites Leichtbau gGmbH as a member of the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations "Otto von Guericke" e.V. (AiF).
Mediation of cooperations and business initiations with companies and research institutions of the latest composite technology
Involvement in new strategic development directions, e.g. in the field of digitisation and AI
Constructively critical support of the legislative authorities in the field of sustainability and recycling of CFRP.
Possibility of a targeted search for skilled workers
Access to new national and international markets
Information and participation in national and international funding initiatives
Reduced or free participation in theme days and specialist events
Free participation in numerous meetings of the working groups and circles as well as the possibility to create your own groups
High-profile presentation at the CU joint stand at national and international trade fairs
Publication of the latest information from your company in the CU reports
Reduced or free attendance of further education seminars
People with a passion for innovation and new technologies
National and international networking
Support in the implementation of innovations
Participation in research and development projects
Research promotion via Carbon Composites Leichtbau gGmbH as a member of the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations "Otto von Guericke" e.V. (AiF).
Mediation of cooperations and business initiations with companies and research institutions of the latest composite technology
Involvement in new strategic development directions, e.g. in the field of digitisation and AI
Constructively critical support of the legislative authorities in the field of sustainability and recycling of CFRP.
Possibility of a targeted search for skilled workers
Access to new national and international markets
Information and participation in national and international funding initiatives
Reduced or free participation in theme days and specialist events
Free participation in numerous meetings of the working groups and circles as well as the possibility to create your own groups
High-profile presentation at the CU joint stand at national and international trade fairs
Publication of the latest information from your company in the CU reports
Reduced or free attendance of further education seminars
People with a passion for innovation and new technologies
National and international networking
Support in the implementation of innovations
Participation in research and development projects
Research promotion via Carbon Composites Leichtbau gGmbH as a member of the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations "Otto von Guericke" e.V. (AiF).
Mediation of cooperations and business initiations with companies and research institutions of the latest composite technology
Involvement in new strategic development directions, e.g. in the field of digitisation and AI
Constructively critical support of the legislative authorities in the field of sustainability and recycling of CFRP.
Possibility of a targeted search for skilled workers
Access to new national and international markets
Information and participation in national and international funding initiatives
Reduced or free participation in theme days and specialist events
Free participation in numerous meetings of the working groups and circles as well as the possibility to create your own groups
High-profile presentation at the CU joint stand at national and international trade fairs
Publication of the latest information from your company in the CU reports
Reduced or free attendance of further education seminars
People with a passion for innovation and new technologies
National and international networking

CU Leichtbau-Forschung

Dates &

    Aktuell sind keine Termine vorhanden



Our prime concern is the networking of the players in the field of high-performance fibre composites within Switzerland. We enable this networking through events such as working group meetings, workshops, conferences, presence at trade fairs as well as through lively exchange between members, management and the board. The connection to the main association Composites United e.V. also facilitates access to the international market.


Composites United Switzerland and our members organise a variety of events on the subject of high-performance fibre composites and attend relevant trade fairs and conferences. The current events in Switzerland are included in our calendar.

Training and advanced training

Some of our members offer advanced training events in the area of high-performance fibre composites. These are included in the training programme of Composites United e.V. (CU) and also in our calendar. In future, Composites United Switzerland is planning to take on an active role with relevant partners for the training and advanced training of professional people and engineers, in order to significantly improve the offer in these areas in Switzerland.


Composites United Switzerland is the ideal platform for implementing your project ideas in collaborative ventures such as Innosuisse projects or EU projects. If you have project or product ideas in the area of high-performance fibre composites and are searching for suitable partners from industry, universities or research institutes do not hesitate to contact our office. We will help you find the appropriate project partner for you from our members.

Application process


Composites United Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH (CU-LF) supports companies and research institutions in the technical and administrative process as well as in the administration of innovation projects. From the idea through the various application steps to the conclusion, funding applications can be accompanied within the framework of Industrial Cooperative Research (IGF).

The funding of IGF projects aims to compensate for the structural disadvantages of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the field of research and development (R&D). Due to their small size, these companies are often unable to finance research contracts with external research institutions or to maintain their own research departments.

Under the IGF, SMEs can solve their common problems through joint research activities conducted primarily by universities and non-profit business-related research institutions. This is particularly efficient, because it allows similar research needs to be bundled in a pre-competitive manner and risks to be shared. Furthermore, this program enables SMEs to benefit from research results that each would not have been able to achieve on its own.

Eligible for funding are scientific and technical research projects that are cross-company in nature, advance new findings and further developments related to fiber composites, and can bring economic benefits to SMEs in particular. Applications for research projects must include proposals for transfer to industry, statements on feasibility and economic significance.



In accordance with the IGF guidelines, the first recipient of funding is always the CU-LF. Through on-lending and bilateral agreements, it is possible to use legally independent, non-profit research institutions as final recipients, provided that

  1. these research institutions grant the CU-LF the necessary rights to carry out a project in accordance with its duties,
  2. these research institutions have the scientific qualifications required to work on the respective project, and
  3. have the necessary administration for the intended use of the funds.



The CU-LF promotes IGF and other projects in the interests of the CU industry network. The relevant topics are developed in the committees of Composites United. We are always open to suggestions; please feel free to contact us.


Information according to § 5 TMG:
Composites United Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH

Postal address:
Am Technologiezentrum 5
D-86159 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 268 411-18
Fax: +49 821 2684 11-07

Represented by:
Dr. Thomas Heber

Registered at
Local Court Augsburg
HRB 31661