Events & Dates

CU Innovation Day “Machine Learning & Smart Factory – How can Composites production be ramped up with AI solutions?”

bis 25.01.2024
Event Location:

Solar Hall of the CFK Nord Research Center in Stade
Ottenbecker Damm 12
21684 Stade / Germany

The composite industry has been experiencing a recent increase in demand, but global challenges such as supply chain disruptions and workforce shortages are still holding back. Industry 4.0 solutions based on AI and IIoT technologies are widely addressed and discussed as important tools to helping factories meet production targets, increase productivity, and reduce waste of carbon fiber materials. But how can companies, especially SME, get in touch with these technologies and make the first steps towards the described benefits they have to offer?

During this Innovation Day, you will learn about:

  • The first steps of implementing AI and IIoT technologies at your factory
  • The latest innovations and advancements in data collection, connectivity of data processes and AI for subsequent data analysis
  • How can Industry 4.0 solutions provide a significant contribution to lowering the carbon footprint, leading to higher factory sustainability and circularity.


Besides the interesting content, highlights of the event are a nice evening event with good food and networking as well as a visit of the production site of the A350 upper wing cover, the largest flying CFRP part.

The event will take place in English.

Booking Options
Besides the different tickets for participation, you have the opportunity to book a table top for presenting your company/institute. These small booths will contain a table with 2 chairs as well as enough space for 1 – 2 roll ups and a brochure stand. With this option, you can get special attention and visibility for your institution during the networking breaks on both days as well as for the market place event on day 1. If you are interested to book a table top, please select this option additionally to your ticket.

Hotel options
We recommend to book your hotel room early in advance. Options in Stade are:

1. H+ Hotel Stade Herzog Widukind
2. Hotel Stadthafen Stade
3. Havenhostel Stade

Join us in Stade and learn about the latest developments and innovations in the field of Industry 4.0 for composites – and how you can benefit from them! We look forward to welcoming you in Stade!



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