MAI Projects

MAI Carbon, together with its members and partners, can look back on numerous successfully completed projects.

R&D projects of the leading-edge cluster MAI Carbon

MAI Carbon has set itself the goal of developing Bavaria into the global center of CFRP technology in the coming years. To achieve this, certain basic conditions are necessary, such as technology leadership in the field of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP). In order not only to achieve this goal, but also to maintain and further expand it, the following project programs have been initiated between companies and research institutes in the MAI Carbon network:

  • Leading-Edge Cluster Projects MAI Carbon (2012-2017)
  • Campus Carbon 4.0 (2017-2023)
  • Internationalization (2019-2021)

Leading-Edge Cluster Projects MAI Carbon

The MAI Carbon cluster has set itself ambitious goals for bringing carbon fiber-reinforced plastics into mass production, everyday life and society. To achieve this, a wide range of areas must be considered. In addition to the production systems themselves, which are used to process the fibers and create components, the design and calculation of the components naturally also plays a crucial role. However, the responsibility of a company or industry does not end there. Sustainability and recycling must also be taken into account and convincing solutions presented. In addition to these research and development topics, timely consideration must also be given to how knowledge is imparted and how society can be involved. To achieve these goals, a series of research and development projects were funded in the cluster, which can be assigned to the following four areas: production systems, efficiency and sustainability, design and engineering, and knowledge. With the end of the Leading-Edge Cluster funding in mid-2017, these projects are officially considered completed.

Particularly outstanding projects within the Leading-Edge Cluster program

Development of a new manufacturing process for CFRP components in a skeleton construction

MAI Enviro

Life cycle assessment for the sustainable use of CFRP structures

Campus Carbon 4.0 Projects

Campus Carbon 4.0 is an initiative of the MAI Carbon cluster of excellence, Composites United e.V. and the University of Augsburg, which aims to establish carbon as a material in the Swabia region and to help it achieve a global breakthrough. The topic of lightweight construction continues to be highly relevant in industry. In this context, knowledge in the field of lightweight construction and, in particular, in the field of fiber composite materials, is an important know-how advantage for German industry. The resolutions adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference will also further increase the importance of lightweight construction in order to achieve the climate targets that have been set. This will enable Campus Carbon 4.0, as well as MAI Carbon itself, to further expand its position and strength. The strategy of Campus Carbon 4.0 is closely linked to the strategy of the Leading-Edge Cluster MAI Carbon and takes up many elements of this strategy, but also sets new priorities. The goal remains the industrial breakthrough of carbon composites, innovation leadership in this field, an established SME supplier industry, and a social anchoring of the material. To achieve these goals, Campus Carbon 4.0 has defined the following fields of action:

  • Production systems: In addition to industrialization and increasing material utilization, this field of action also addresses the topics of multi-material and functionalization.
  • Engineering: The system understanding of composites and suitable construction methods is to be expanded. At the same time, the necessary design and simulation tools are to be further developed to enable efficient design.
  • Public perception: This topic aims to firmly anchor carbon composites in society and politics. In addition to providing information about the material, it is also important to generate enthusiasm for it.
  • Digitalization: The buzzwords “Internet of Things” and “Industry 4.0” are ubiquitous. Within the framework of the campus, the processes and workflows of the carbon composites industry are to be combined with the digital world, thus making them fit for the future.
  • Recycling: In addition to establishing optimized recycling processes, the activities at Campus Carbon 4.0 will also focus on developing new applications for recycled materials.


The strategy of Campus Carbon 4.0 provides the basis for stabilizing and strengthening the network in the long term, as well as for further advancing the industrialization of carbon composites.

© Voith Composites

Further projects by MAI Carbon and Composites United e.V.

Joint projects bring together members of the Composites United network on important topics in the industry. The innovation mentor provides support in finding partners and projects. The clusters and networks moderate and organize regional and national projects that shape the future of carbon and ceramic composites.

  • All

  • Design and engineering

  • Efficiency and sustainability

  • Internationalization

  • Network and knowledge

  • Production systems

Network and knowledge


Production systems


Production systems


Production systems

MAI CC4 FastMove

Efficiency and sustainability

MAI Enviro

Efficiency and sustainability

MAI RecyTape

Efficiency and sustainability


Design and engineering

MAI Q-fast

Design and engineering


Network and knowledge


Production systems

MAI Plast

Production systems


Production systems


Production systems

MAI Pull

Production systems

MAI Skelett

Production systems

MAI ProCut

Production systems

MAI Preform 2.0

Production systems

MAI Robust

Production systems

MAI Profil

Production systems

MAI Tank

Production systems

MAI Hiras + Handle

Production systems


Production systems

MAI AutoPreg

Production systems

MAI Re-car

Production systems

MAI Multiskelett

Production systems

MAI Span

Production systems

MAI CC4 HybCar

Efficiency and sustainability


Internationalization, Network and knowledge


Internationalization, Network and knowledge


Network and knowledge

MAI Bildung

Network and knowledge

MAI 2.0

Network and knowledge


Network and knowledge

Bildung 4.0 für KMU

Network and knowledge

MAI Schulprogramm

Network and knowledge

MAI digi@work

Design and engineering

MAI Design

Design and engineering

MAI Last

Design and engineering


Design and engineering

MAI Form

Design and engineering

MAI Impact

Design and engineering

MAI CC4 Hybrid

Efficiency and sustainability

MAI Recycling

Efficiency and sustainability

MAI Green

Efficiency and sustainability

MAI Speed

Efficiency and sustainability

MAI Polymer

Efficiency and sustainability

MAI Enviro 2.0

Efficiency and sustainability

MAI Sandwich

Efficiency and sustainability


Efficiency and sustainability


Network and knowledge


Network and knowledge


Internationalization, Network and knowledge

InterSpiN-Projekt Japan

Internationalization, Production systems


Efficiency and sustainability, Internationalization




Efficiency and sustainability

CU EcoCeramic

Network and knowledge


Network and knowledge

MAI Smart Composites

Network and knowledge


Production systems

CU Versiert

Network and knowledge

Leichtbau-Allianz Baden-Württemberg

Efficiency and sustainability, Network and knowledge

ResC4EU – Resilient Supply Chains for Europe

Efficiency and sustainability, Internationalization


MAI Carbon

Am Technologiezentrum 5
86159 Augsburg
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