
Important events since the cluster was founded.


MAI Carbon receives millions in funding – For MAI Carbon, the renewed funding approval marks a special honor and confirmation of its achievements to date. With over 1 million euros in funding for the fourth funding period (2024-2027), MAI Carbon sees itself in a position to significantly expand its service portfolio and thus make an even greater contribution to strengthening Bavaria as a business location. The reception by Hubert Aiwanger personally recognizes the importance of the initiative and its stakeholders.
Bayerns Wirtschaftsminister Hubert Aiwanger lädt am 5.2.2024 zum Cluster-Empfang in die Residenz München ein.


MAI Carbon Cluster Strategy 2030 – As part of a tech workshop, MAI Carbon members and the board jointly developed the technological strategy for the coming years. The focus was on four core topics: efficient and flexible production, functionalization and sensor technology, circular economy and circularity, and data-driven and secure process workflows.
The project MAI School Program 2.0 – MINT4Future is the successor project to Ready 4.0 Future Work and is aimed at students in grades seven to ten. The project goal is to educate them in the subject of fiber composites and start-ups and to familiarize them with modern working methods 4.0.
MAI Strategie 2030_end_Deckblatt


MAI TraiNET10 years of MAI Carbon – In July 2022, MAI Carbon celebrated its 10th anniversary. Numerous representatives from politics and business attended the event to honor the cluster and celebrate with it.
World class in Augsburg – Victory at the 2022 Canoe Slalom World Championships with the high-performance material carbon! MAI Carbon presented itself with numerous exhibits from its members during the World Championships, allowing visitors to experience the areas of application and potential of the high-performance material carbon live on site.
Silver Label Certification – The Silver Label of the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) is awarded to network organizations that can demonstrate outstanding management structures, efficient processes, very high performance and innovative strength, and that are continuously developing. MAI Carbon was awarded the Silver Label in 2022.


Start KI Produktionsnetzwerk – The KI Produktionsnetzwerk Augsburg was launched in January 2021 with the aim of using artificial intelligence (AI) methods to keep companies throughout Bavaria competitive and future-proof in terms of production and automation.
Change in management – Sven Blanck replaces Dr. Tjark von Reden in the management of MAI Carbon. Dr. Tjark von Reden takes over as CEO of the CU.
MAI TraiNET – MAI Carbon, together with Steinbeis IFEM and The Knowledge Company, has received funding approval (approx. 1.5 million euros, 70% funding rate) for the development of a new type of training network. MAI Carbon is thus supporting all CU members in establishing sustainable personnel development structures and offering a comprehensive value-added portfolio.


New corporate design – With the merger of the two associations Carbon Composites and CFK Valley to form Composites United e.V., MAI Carbon is also appearing in a new design.


The MAI Schulprogramm – Ready 4.0 Future Work project is aimed at pupils and trainees in order to qualify them in the specialist subject of fibre composites and familiarise them with new methods and forms of work in Work 4.0.
BayLu25 - Bavarian Prime Minister Dr. Markus Söder and the Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger announced that 40 million euros would be invested in research into lightweight construction materials and the digitalisation of manufacturing processes in the aerospace industry. It was also the Bavarian cluster MAI Carbon that bundled the efforts for state support and significantly advanced them in industry and politics.


MAI Carbon Results Conference – At the results conference, the results of all 36 collaborative projects carried out during the five-year period of the Leading-Edge Cluster were presented. The initially objectives were even partially exceeded, making the MAI region an international centre for carbon composites.
Campus Carbon 4.0 - The strategic orientations of Campus Carbon 4.0 are on the one hand the digitalisation of CFRP production and the promotion of hybrid materials. Nine joint research projects have already been launched with a project budget of around €30 million. The strategic directions of Campus Carbon 4.0 are, on the one hand, the digitization of CFRP production and the promotion of hybrid materials.


Moving to the Augsburg Technology Centre – At the beginning of 2016, the leading-edge cluster MAI Carbon moved into the offices of the Technology Center Augsburg in order to further expand its network and to be closer to relevant research facilities and institutions. The long-term concept of the innovation park offers the perfect framework for this.
Start of internationalisation with MAI iBIC - Bottom-up, i.e. with the involvement of the MAI Carbon partners, an internationalization strategy has emerged in different countries in order to generate new market access, establish business contacts for the partners, initiate scientific collaborations and develop joint event formats.
European Conference on Composite Materials - ECCM17 - The 17th European Conference on Composite Materials took place from June 26th to 30th, 2016 in the International Congress Center Munich (ICM) and was organized by MAI Carbon and the LCC of the TU Munich. With 1300 guests, four days of conference program with 850 lectures, an accompanying exhibition, many company visits and numerous other side events, this ECCM17 was the largest ECCM in the more than 30 year history of the conference to date.


Membership development - 100th MAI Carbon member – The number of members of MAI Carbon is growing steadily, so that the cluster has its 100th member in 2015.


Special exhibition "Harter Stoff: Carbon - the material of the future” – With the special exhibition “Harter Stoff: Carbon - the material of the future”, the top cluster has been making the material tangible for society with all of its senses at various locations since 2014. A total of over 300,000 national and international visitors of all ages have been reached to date. The exhibition is also one of the most successful special exhibitions at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
Opening of the Bliensbach school laboratory - In 2014, in the presence of numerous guests from education and politics, the first school laboratory for fiber composite materials was opened in Bliensbach near Dillingen / Donau in Bavaria. This is intended to bring the new CFRP material closer to secondary school students, as well as high school and middle school students in a practical and didactic way, in a creative environment. The school laboratory was organized, planned and set up as part of the MAI Education project of the MAI Carbon top cluster.


Gold Label Certification – The gold label is awarded to cluster management organizations that demonstrate a high level of professionalism and sophisticated cluster management. MAI Carbon was able to achieve the gold label in 2013. It shows the documented commitment to continuous improvement of organizational structures and routines for the benefit of even higher performance.


Foundation of MAI Carbon – MAI Carbon was selected as a Leading-Edge Cluster in the cluster competition of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on 19 January 2012 and received technology funding of €40 million.

MAI Carbon

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86159 Augsburg
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