The Leading-Edge Cluster MAI Carbon of Composites United e.V. (CU) has been pursuing the goal of implementing fibre-reinforced high-performance materials on an industrial scale for various user industries throughout Bavaria since our foundation in 2012.
In order to achieve this goal, we unite companies and research institutions from fibre manufacturers to recycling companies, from software developers to test institutes. Currently, about 110 partners – who are also members of the CU – are bundling their knowledge in order to expand the technological leadership in the use of CFRP components in mass production and to develop Bavaria into a global beacon in the field of fibre composite technology. The intensive cooperation between renowned major German companies and technology leaders in the application sectors of automotive engineering, aerospace, mechanical and plant engineering as well as fibre and semi-finished product manufacturers makes the MAI Carbon cluster unique. Bavaria has thus become a leading innovation centre for fibre composites and attracts companies from all over the world.
Mio. €
Project volume strategically accompanied and coordinated
Event participants since the beginning of the cluster
Inspiring and informing people about the use of new materials
Working groups throughout Composites United e.V.
Follower of the CU LinkedIn channel
MAI Carbon members
national and international members in the entire Composites United e.V.

© Fraunhofer IWS
MAI Carbon brings them together and creates the framework for trustfully cross-industry cooperation within the framework of various joint projects – cluster as a motor for the region.
The concentration of all major companies and institutions along the value chain of future materials with carbon fibre reinforcement is a remarkable unique selling point of Bavaria. A prerequisite for this is a networked and coordinated approach, which is coordinated by the MAI Carbon cluster. Furthermore, MAI Carbon is a bridge builder in international value chains and, together with its partners, pushing worldwide market access. Another important component of the cluster’s work is the continuous development of educational content from early childhood education to bachelor and master programmes and raising society’s awareness for the material.
Development of MAI Carbon
Since October 1, 2021, Dr. Tjark von Reden has taken over as Chief Executive Officer of Composites United e.V. Sven Blanck moved up from within the company as Cluster Managing Director of MAI Carbon.