Bavaria is one of the leading economic regions in Germany, Europe and the world. With large international corporations, strong SMEs and future-oriented research, the Free State has a leading position for technical and economic progress. Core of this success, which ensures growth, employment and prosperity, are innovations. In order to ensure the innovative strength of our companies and thus the international competitiveness of Bavaria in the future, innovation and technology policy is of paramount importance.

Hubert Aiwanger
Deputy Bavarian Prime Minister
Bavarian State Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy

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An important element here: the Bavarian Cluster Offensive. Since 2006, the Bavarian state government has been promoting the operation of state-wide platforms in high-tech industries and traditional key sectors of the Bavarian economy. The central task of the cluster platforms is to connect companies with each other as well as companies and research institutions. The exchange of know-how and ideas is stimulated, joint projects are developed, research results are translated into new products and services, in short: the overall innovation dynamic is increased. This benefits Bavaria as a business location as a whole – but also each participating company.
One of the 17 platforms funded as part of the Bavarian Cluster Offensive is the MAI Carbon Leading-Edge Cluster. In recent years, it has made a significant contribution to establishing Bavaria as an innovation centre in the field of carbon fibre reinforced plastics. The next goal: to expand the use of lightweight technologies in mass production and to develop Bavaria into a global beacon in the field of fibre composite technology. To this end, the cluster offers its members numerous tailor-made formats and brings together – Bavaria-wide and across sectors – companies, experts and research institutions.
In this context, I would like to thank all cluster actors – to the participating companies and institutions as well as to the dedicated cluster management and the honorary cluster spokesperson.
Yours sincerely
Hubert Aiwanger
Bavarian State Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy