From Bavaria to the world - International cooperation of MAI Carbon
As part of its internationalisation process, MAI Carbon supports its partners in establishing and expanding market access and contacts abroad. In this way, an international network of relationships with numerous international partners has been established in recent years. Close partnerships and cooperations have developed and established themselves sustainably, particularly with the USA, Australia, Norway, China and South Korea.

Development of international research & development projects on specific topics in the lightweight design context

Market development and network expansion through MAI Carbon

Networking of institutes, colleges or universities that are looking for partners abroad in order to set up and expand their own scientific network

Delegation trips and events
Events and marketing activities are organized to accompany the activities mentioned
The internationalisation of MAI Carbon focuses on the following goals: On the one hand, technology development is to be promoted across sectors by identifying MAI Carbon’s technology gaps and searching for suitable partners internationally. On the other hand, it is of great importance to promote the strength, the international visibility and networking of partners. Furthermore, the aim is to establish broader knowledge structures and to participate in international developments. This is to be achieved by setting up exchange and cooperation structures of colleges, universities and institutes. Another important component is the development of new markets in order to generate value chains in new industries. This is intended to create economic added value for the various stakeholder groups in the medium term, primarily for SMEs and to initiate new transnational and cross-sectoral value chains. The project will be accompanied by a multi-dimensional location and communication campaign, which will be structured specifically for the target group and will inform the public about the internationalisation project.
As a MAI Carbon partner, you regularly have the opportunity to actively shape the internationalisation strategy of the Leading-Edge Cluster. Within the framework of a bottom-up process, you can express your opinion in various formats (e.g. strategy workshop, cluster barometer, Carbon Connected and short surveys) and thus address your interests.
Become part of this global network and benefit from the added value and advantages for your organisation.
Research on fibre-reinforced materials and new developments are being carried out in numerous locations around the world. MAI Carbon supports its partners in participating in these advances. Through its international network of chambers of commerce, embassies, research institutions and companies of all sizes, MAI Carbon has access to many innovation drivers in various sectors and supports its partners, for example, in setting up joint R&D projects with them (see: MAI iSpan and MAI ScrapSeRo).

© Eckert Schulen

Through its international cooperation MAI Carbon supports its members in establishing market access to different countries and sees itself as a bridge builder to foreign countries. This is based on the excellent contacts to clusters established over the years, for example in South Korea (KCTECH), the USA (IACMI) or Norway (Viken Technology Cluster 4.0, GCE Node and NCE iKuben). Through its partner networks MAI Carbon has access to companies such as Hyundai, Kia, Hyosung in South Korea or DuPont, Local Motors Airbus, BASF and Volkswagen in the USA. MAI Carbon also maintains good contacts with various foreign chambers of commerce and the Bavarian foreign representatives.

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"KCTECH, as a leading institution for carbon materials and compsites industry in Korea, had constant exchange and collaboration with MAI Carbon. There were and are abundant exchanges in business support and R&D cooperation, and respectively as a promotion organization for carbon composites industry in each country, we could do the bench-marking of each other. We consider MAI Carbon as a best practice of local cluster and one of important global networks for carbon composites. We look very much forward to our further collaboration." - Yun Hyuk Bang, President of KCTECH

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„IACMI is pleased to have cooperated with MAI Carbon for almost five years now. We recognize the advanced composites industry is global, and the best ideas can come from anywhere. We all benefit by sharing of best practices, and seeking areas of collaboration that can advance the growth of our global industrial partners.“ - Dale Brosius, IACMI
In the research environment, sustainable collaborations have also developed with various research institutions in the USA and South Korea as part of various collaborations. If you are interested in exchange programs, science slams and international conferences or would like to expand your educational network in general, then we can help you.

© Voith Composites
Delegation trips and events
MAI Carbon regularly supports and accompanies delegation trips sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action on the topics of lightweight design and fibre composites. This gives the companies an insight into the target markets and enables them to make initial contacts immediately. MAI Carbon also regularly receives foreign delegations in Germany and links them with local companies. This enables them to show their skills to foreign guests and win business partners. Specific networking formats for exchange, visualisation and pitching in an international context are also an integral part of MAI Carbon’s range of events. Whether it’s the organisation of delegation trips, B2B matchmaking events or joint stands at trade fairs such as JEC World or JEC Asia, the service portfolio includes a wide range of events.