
MAI Carbon covers the entire educational chain and enables access to various training opportunities.


The field of education has matured into an important field of action since the launch of the Leading-Edge Cluster in 2012. The aim was and is to strengthen the competitiveness of the members through motivated and well-trained employees. The entire education chain is covered, from early childhood education, school, training and studies to further education and training. Numerous offers of the CU also have an impact.

Education in MAI Carbon


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Further training for employees

A very dynamic development of all technologies related to fibre composites not only opens up new markets and potentials for these materials, it also requires constant further training of the people who work with carbon composites. It is important to us to support you in this!

As a member of MAI Carbon, you have the opportunity to book various further training courses, seminars or online web seminars free of charge or at reduced rates. Through the umbrella organisation Composites United e.V., you have access to an annually updated range of further training courses, which are specific to the industry, in order to train your employees in a targeted manner. When compiling these services, topicality, innovativeness and exclusivity are the main focus.

Innovative and exciting – that is the future of multi-material lightweight construction. Be part of it, stay tuned. We support you with extensive training and further training offers.

Studying – nothing easier than that!

There are numerous study opportunities in the field of lightweight construction, fiber composite technology and composites. The right course of study later leads to the right dream job. For prospective students or students, there are ideal career and advancement opportunities in this future industry, because young, committed engineers who are well trained are in great demand in the industry. If you are interested and knowledgeable in natural science subjects, we are happy to support you in selecting a suitable course of study or in transitioning to professional life. We also provide information about Composites United’s program of support, the CU Trainee Program. This is aimed at students who want to gain practical experience in parallel to their studies, carry out additional professional training in the field of fiber composites and obtain tailored contacts to industry.


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Educational measures for children, young people and teachers

Practice early – Easy learning!

MAI Carbon supports daycare centers and kindergartens in integrating new future technologies into the children’s everyday lives in a playful and easy-to-understand way. With this approach, children should get to know new ways of thinking, materials and applications at an early stage. MAI Carbon offers various materials for students and anyone else who is curious. In collaboration with its members, MAI Carbon has created various documents and handouts on the subject of materials. There are also informative videos and learning materials for anyone interested in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).

MAI Carbon has also developed an exciting, innovative, and educational school program for the classroom called “MINT4Future”. For this, MAI Carbon, together with the University of Augsburg, goes directly into the classroom and introduces students to the topics of fiber composites, working methods 4.0 and start-ups.

In addition, MAI Carbon presents the educational opportunities in the field of lightweight construction at various school events. The package is rounded off by special training courses for teachers on the subject of fiber composites and lightweight materials.


Training in the field of fibre composites - making career very easily!

There are different training occupations which focus on fibre-reinforced composites. These include, for example, process mechanics for plastics and rubber technology with a focus on fibre composites or aircraft mechanics. MAI Carbon has compiled an overview of these training occupations for school pupils and also regularly informs pupils at trade fairs about the possibilities and suitable companies.


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Smart materials, virtual worlds and digital lightweight construction - the future has already started! Be part of it, shape it: become a specialist in the lightweight construction industry.


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MAI Carbon

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86159 Augsburg
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